Monday, October 14, 2013

Causes without benefit

Mantithesis #5: Fight the battles with no rewards

Throughout history, men have given their lives to fight for causes they truly believe in. In most situations, the cause centers on a particular kingdom or country. Men fight so that their families can live in a land where they will have the best life possible. This is absolutely noble and honorable, but there is a payoff for the man who is fighting. Ultimately, he and his family reap the benefits of the cause for which he fights. Few sane men would fight for a cause in which they get no benefit. Even mercenaries, who no one would consider honorable, still receive payment in the form of money for their services. Most men fight battles in which a direct benefit for them and/or their family is possible.

Although fighting for someone's family is admirable, I don't believe that God is pleased with those who only have the benefit of their next of kin in mind. This goes along the lines of what Jesus taught about in Luke 6:32-33. Humans like to brag on loving and doing good for those who love and do good to us. Jesus points out that there's nothing impressive about this. Even those who don't love Jesus know how to give good things back to those who do good to them. But how much more Christlike is it for a man to do good for someone who doesn't know him, or even hates him? This is truly what it means to fight for a noble cause, because there is no benefit for the one fighting. It is truly selfless, and it is the type of fight that I believe God really desires.

In Isaiah 58:6-7, God says this about fasting:

"Isn't the fast I choose: To break the chains of wickedness, to untie the ropes of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and to tear off every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, to bring the poor and homeless into your house, to clothe the naked when you see him, and not to ignore your own flesh and blood?"

The Israelite people truly believed God was happy when they deprived themselves of food and other necessities. But God communicated His true joy was in seeing His people selflessly serve others, with no benefit for themselves.

This does not mean that God doesn't value men fighting for their families and friends, but what good is it if we spend our whole lives standing up only for those we are related to? How can men be more intentional about stepping up to defend people we don't know, or even those who hate us? This is something I'm struggling to incorporate into my life as I seek to truly become a man of God, and I don't doubt that many other men share the same difficulties as I in this area. We must seek out what is wicked, oppressive, and evil, and fight to eliminate these forces, whether we directly benefit from the victory or not. As men, we should be fighting battles with no rewards.